OMNIBUS Technical Regulation, OTR 2024
OTR registration BIS link for Indian Manufacturers
Steps for Preregistration under the Omnibus Technical regulation (OTR) for Indian Manufacturers
OTR registration BIS link for Foreign Manufacturers
IMTMA supports the export efforts of its members through various initiatives such as group participation in overseas fairs, trade missions, etc.
IMTMA has established an ‘Export Development Cell’ to promote and boost exports. For this purpose, the association has formed a group of companies who are interested in exporting to the overseas markets.
Objectives of the IMTMA Export Development Cell
IMTMA has formed Export Development Group to focus on strategic efforts to boost machine tool exports. Through this IMTMA supports the export efforts of its members through initiatives such as group participation in overseas fairs, Trade Missions, developing and establishing an international presence through post-trade fair discussions and visits to potential customers/distributors.
As a part of export development, IMTMA organises
For more details on Export Promotion contact: Mahesh Gopalakarishna @
IMTMA working closely with the government strives to update the members with the opportunities available in countries across the world. IMTMA provides expertise and guidance to serve the industry by working with the membership to develop, promote, and implement services that meet customer expectations.
With this purpose, the Association disseminates information by publishing market research reports on at regular intervals. The reports have been well received by the members and the industry. The reports cover the opportunities in various industry sectors, market size estimations, accepted norms, estimated growth, etc.
Click Here For market research reports
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