OMNIBUS Technical Regulation, OTR 2024
OTR registration BIS link for Indian Manufacturers
Steps for Preregistration under the Omnibus Technical regulation (OTR) for Indian Manufacturers
OTR registration BIS link for Foreign Manufacturers
DSIR is a part of the Ministry of Science and Technology, has a mandate to carry out the activities relating to indigenous technology promotion, development, utilization and transfer.
It promotes R&D by the industries, support a larger cross section of small and medium industrial units to develop state-of-the art globally competitive technologies of high commercial potential, catalyze faster commercialization of lab-scale R&D, enhance the share of technology intensive exports in overall exports, strengthen industrial consultancy & technology management capabilities and establish user friendly information network to facilitate scientific and industrial research in the country.
R&D Proposals may be submitted by individual industries with or without academia/R&D Institutions involvement. Proposals should be for the development of machine tools and related items where such developments is being carried out for the first time in India and is not merely a repetition of machine tools/related products already made in the country. The extent of support, formats for project proposal submission and other guidelines along with FAQs are given on the DSIR website.
click here To know more
DST promotes new areas of science & technology and plays the role of a nodal department for organizing, coordinating and promoting S&T activities in the country. The projects are funded through five-year plans developed by the Planning Commission with input from a steering committee.
The Office of the PSA is responsible for, among other things, evolving policies, strategies, and missions for science and technology. The PSA chairs the Scientific Advisory Committee to the Cabinet (SAC-C). The office also provides funding for "synergy projects" - projects that do not fit into the mandate of individual scientific departments - and develops initiatives to fill the gaps in India's scientific and technological development scenario. This has included developing a series of initiatives to enhance industry-academia interactions, build international collaborations, and attract more talented young people to careers in science and technology.
DST support is generally given for pre-competitive R&D of common interest to several units of the machine tool industry. A strong research/development content is looked for in the proposals and the principal agency taking up the R&D project should ideally be an academic or R&D Institution with strong participation from industry.
For the machine tool industry, the CMAT is a dedicated route for the submission of proposals on the grant for funds. However, academic/R&D Institutions also have several R&D avenues for submitting proposals to DST. Machine tool units may also take advantage of these channels through academia/R&D partners.
click here To know more about DST
TIFAC is an autonomous organization under DST. TIFAC – strive for technology development of the country by leveraging technology innovation through sustained and concerted programmes in close association with academia and industry. TIFAC – Establishes a purposeful linkage between technology development and technology import policies, to identify areas of research in relation to the needs of country to evolve and suggest for technology development on priorities and to draw up programmes of purposeful research in various sectors.
click here To know more about TIFAC
For the development and application of indigenous technology in a dynamic economic environment, The Government of India enabled the placing of proceeds of the Research and Development Cess on the import of technology into a fund called the Fund for Technology Development and Application. TDB administers this fund.
TDB invest in equity capital or gives loans to industrial concerns and other agencies, attempting development and commercial application of indigenous technology, or adopting imported technology to wider domestic application.
click here To know more about TDB
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