OMNIBUS Technical Regulation, OTR 2024
OTR registration BIS link for Indian Manufacturers
Steps for Preregistration under the Omnibus Technical regulation (OTR) for Indian Manufacturers
OTR registration BIS link for Foreign Manufacturers
The Department of Heavy Industry (DHI), Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises, Govt of India has launched the Technology Acquisition Fund Programme (TAFP) to enhance the competitiveness in Capital & Good Sector, a niche scheme for enabling Outright Acquisition of Technology focusing on prominent Capital Goods sectors under the 12th Five year Plan.
TAFP scheme would be Technically & Administratively managed by Global Innovation & Technology Alliance (GITA). The scheme will focus primarily on seven sectors including Machine Tools.
click here For more info
Indian Capital Good Sector Units or their Consortium/Clusters may avail Grant up to 25% of the cost of the above defined Technology Acquisition subjected to maximum limit of INR 10 Crores (Ten Crores only) per technology.
Call for Industrial R&D Project Proposals by DST, GOI
The Department of Science & Technology, GoI has issued three "Call for Industrial R&D Project Proposals". The R&D project proposals will be accepted in DST from Dec.1, 2016 to Jan.15, 2017, in the following areas:
For more details click here
As per Indian Budget 2015-16, the following Customs import duty reduction have been declared under import of Linear Motion Guides, Ball screws, CNC Lathe machines and systems etc.
Original notification March, 2012 Amended notification March, 2015
After persistent efforts of IMTMA with Ministry of Defence, the Government of India has considered industry's request for inclusion of Exchange Rate Variation (ERV) clause for the supply of machine tools to Indian Ordnance Factories.
Amendments have been introduced in the relevant portions of the 'Procurement Manual for Plant & Machineries' of Indian Ordnance Factories.
The Ordnance Factory Board and Ministry of Defence, Government of India has announced the "Provision for Exchange Rate Variation for the supply of P&M by Indian manufacturers".
Click here to download the circular.
India's Foreign Trade Policy is also known as Export-Import Policy (EXIM) in general, aims at developing export potential, improving export performance, encouraging foreign trade and creating a favourable balance of payments position. Foreign Trade Policy is prepared and announced by the Central Government (Ministry of Commerce). Foreign Trade Policy or EXIM Policy is a set of guidelines and instructions established by the DGFT (Directorate General of Foreign Trade) in matters related to the import and export of goods in India.
This is a unique and valuable opportunity for machine tool units to develop new technologies under the DHI scheme. As a reference, the “Technology Roadmap for Machine Tools” adopted by the Government may be used.
Click here to download MT Technology Roadmap
Units may also propose technology development projects outside the ones mentioned in this document.
Units are requested to submit proposals for R&D projects for assistance under the Scheme providing as much information as possible about the technology, its importance, applications, present status of development in India, market potential, cost of development, schedule, R&D inputs required from academic institutions, etc. IIT Madras has been identified as the nodal agency for the Centre of Excellence in Machine Tools & Production Technology under the scheme.
For approved projects, the scheme provides up to 80 percent of the development cost with industry contributing the remaining. R&D Projects of common interest may be made by units jointly, and individual units may also propose projects.
Click here to download app centre excellence td 15042015
The scheme provides up to 25% of the cost of technology to be acquired. Units may submit proposals in the prescribed Application Form along with information on the technology to be acquired, its importance, applications, present status in India, market potential, the source of technology, cost of acquisition, details of what the acquisition will comprise, etc. Technologies of common interest to the industry may be proposed jointly as a consortium. Individual units may also propose technology acquisition.
Click here to download Application TAFP 15042015
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