IMTMA-Industry Innovation Collaboration

Research and Development is an integral part of both the industry and educational institutions. On most of the occasion, they work independently and an attempt to bring both of these together is the IIIC initiative. The IMTMA-Institute Innovation Collaboration (III-C) hopes to bring industries and institutes willing to work on R&D projects on to a common platform

The idea is to address problems like…
  • Industry wants to outsource R&D in a particular area to an institute but has no idea which institute has knowledge in this area.
  • An institute is doing a lot of work in a particular area, wants to collaborate with industry to commercialize its knowledge or do industry-related R&D projects, but has no idea which industries need its expertise.

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i2 Academia Pavilion @ IMTEX

(Opportunity for Indian academic/R&D institutions to showcase their capabilities and R&D activities related to machine tools/manufacturing engineering fields at IMTEX)



Indian Machine Tool Manufacturers' Association (IMTMA) has been in the forefront of bonding Industry - Academia linkage and is continuously taking several initiatives and offering a platform for Indian Academia institutions to participate in its prestigious IMTEX - Indian Machine Tool Exhibitions every year. At IMTEX FORMING 2024, IMTMA provides an opportunity for Indian Academic / R&D Institutions to showcase their R&D capabilities in Metalworking field. This participation will be through the display of four posters and product demonstration from each institution. IMTMA will provide the display space to selected institution/s free of charge.

Added Attractions at IMTEX  i2 Pavilion
  • Tour of the IMTEX exhibition and opportunities to participate in sponsored activities.
  • Opportunities to participate in award-winning competitions.
  • Opportunity to network with leading players in the industry.
  • Opportunity to visit and interact with officials from IMTMA Technology Centre.
  • Institutions wanting to highlight their technologies, services and other activities that can be offered to industry in specific areas.
  • R&D and Educational institutions wanting to identify the industry needs.
  • Staff and students of the institutions to see the best practices in metalworking first hand.
  • Staff and Professionals wanting to interact with experts.
  • Institutions wishing industry to pick up their product/technology for commercial exploitation.
  • Participation will be FREE OF COST.
  • Participation strictly on "First - Come - First - Serve basis".
  • Through DISPLAY OF FOUR POSTERS (Max) from each institution.

12 projects will be selected for presentation

  • Step1: Fill up the Reply Form and send it to IMTMA 
  • Step2 Receive confirmation of participation from IMTMA.
  • Step3 Prepare and send display materials as per IMTMA guidelines.
  • Step4 Each institute to nominate one/ two officer/s to IMTEX Forming to be present during the show to explain the institution's capabilities and receive requests for services from industries.


As the name suggests, this initiative is an attempt to create awareness about the latest developments in the manufacturing industry. The Jagruti – IMTMA Youth Program, is held during IMTEX with the help of UDAAN members. Under this, the engineering students, who are nominated by the colleges, visit the machine tool exhibition. IMTMA on its part bears all their expenses and also provides them a guided tour of the exhibition. The idea is to familiarize the engineering students with the machine tool industry and the technological developments in the industry segment.


As IMTEX attracts some of the industry experts, this awareness programme allows the mechanical and engineering students to interact with them. This is a unique opportunity for the future builders of the country to understand the available opportunities and gather knowledge about the manufacturing industry. This is also a golden opportunity for the students to pick on the brains of some of the best in the industry and imbibe those qualities, which will be crucial for their future.


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