Technology Development

IMTMA understands that for the machine tool industry to grow, the members should be abreast with the latest technological developments. Globally, the technological developments are taking place at a very fast pace and with India emerging as one of the most favoured destinations, it is very important that the members are also armed with the latest developments.

The Government of India has also been supporting the R&D efforts in the machine tool industry and IMTMA is making a sincere effort to educate the members about the latest offerings across various departments of the government.

IMTMA has also set up Advance Machine Tool Testing Facility in Bangalore where the companies can come and test their latest products. The Association has also been working towards the skill development in the country through its technology centres in Bengaluru, Pune and Gurugram.

Along with the IIT-Madras, IMTMA has set up a Centre of Excellence in Chennai and has played a crucial role in setting up of the Machine Tool Park in Tumkur.

CMTI invites Expression of Interest (EOI) for Transfer of Technology “Ultra Precision Diamond Turning Machine, (Nanoshape T250)”

Nanoshape T250, developed by CMTI is ready for Technology Transfer.  The interested parties have to register their application as per the format provided in the website. The link for downloading Registration form for EOI is available on the official website of CMTI ( The last date to register is October 25, 2018.

Click here to download Registration Form and EOI

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