Guidelines & Application Form

There are ten categories of Indian Machine Tool Manufacturers' Association (IMTMA) membership, which are based on the products manufactured, turnover, the constitution of the company, manufacturing/non-manufacturing/trading activities, etc. The applicant firm may decide the membership category based on these factors. The turnover of the company should be net of duties and taxes for the year preceding the year of application.

Click here To view the details on membership category, membership services, entrance and annual membership fees for members

Click here To check which category your organization belongs toThe standard list of Machine Tool Codes (HS Codes) is categorised into Group A, B & C classification.

Click here To view guidelines for members

Click here To download the application form 

Click here To download CA's Format

The company/firm desirous of becoming IMTMA member must get their membership application proposed by two existing eligible members from any category in Category I to IV

Click here To download the proposal form 


Guidelines for members

  • Debit Note for Membership Subscription Fee for the financial year to be issued to all members in the first week of April every year.
  • Members to pay Membership Subscription Fee on or before 30th June (3 months’ time given).
  • Reminders for payment to be sent to members during May & June requesting them to expedite payment.
  • Further, wherever applicable, one month notice to be sent to members informing about the stoppage of membership benefits / privileges including voting rights, etc.
  • If payment is not received by 31st July, membership benefits / privileges of IMTMA to be stopped/ discontinued to such defaulting members.
  • Final reminder to be sent to defaulting members in October advising them to expedite outstanding Membership Subscription Fee.
  • Names of members whose payment has not been received until 31st October, to be placed in the subsequent meeting of the Executive Committee for Cessation of Membership


For further details contact

Membership Department
Indian Machine Tool Manufacturers' Association
Bangalore International Exhibition Centre
10th Mile, Tumkur Road,
Bengaluru 5600123
Tel : +9180 6624 6839

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