Letter of Invitation for EOI Aggregation Services

No.NSIC/HO/GM (BD)/M/c Selling/2019                       

Dated: 04.03.2020

 Sub: Letter of Invitation for EOI Aggregation Services.


Dear Sir/Madam,

National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC), is an ISO 9001-2015 certified Government of India Enterprise under Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME). NSIC has been working to promote, aid and foster the growth of micro, small and medium enterprises in the country. NSIC operates through countrywide network of offices and Technical Centres in the Country.

The Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) requires services like Machine Supplies, Software, Hardware Supports and Media Communications etc. There is a constant request from MSME units for availing these services on transparent and affordable prices.   NSIC renders holistic services to MSME and would like to facilitate services in unmet areas of MSME sector.  NSIC is now seeking EoI from Manufacturers, Service Providers, Dealer etc., for on-boarding the product & services to MSME units through NSIC “Aggregation Model”.

The seller & buyer will be facilitated through NSIC by signing a MOU and wherever financial assistance is required, the same will be also made available through financial institutions on-boarded with the NSIC. Terms like registration fees for seller, services charges per transaction etc., will be clarified when the guidelines are finalised.

When NSIC enters into aggregating goods and services for small industries, the prices would be streamlined. There would be price moderation in the industry.

The NSIC Limited, would soon launch an online aggregator service to cater to small industries in areas such as raw materials and logistics.  The aggregator would not only bring together raw materials, but also logistics providers, software developers and finance companies. The aggregator, by means of directly connecting sellers and buyers, would bring down the number of links in the chain and subsequently, would lower the cost of products and services. It would help industries compare prices of goods and services and go for moderate prices. NSIC would extend such services through e-commerce and the online aggregator portal.


The NSIC invites Expression of Interest (EOI) for on boarding products & services of the following -

S. No.



Reputed Indian manufacturers of machines/equipment


Authorised Indian dealers of Imported machines/equipment


Information Communication & Technology (ICT) enabled Digital Services (Software, App /Cloud/Digital Infrastructure/B2B/B2C/e-Com  service providers )


Computer Hardware and Peripheral Manufacturers/Authorised Indian Dealers for Imported Items


Fin-Tech companies/NBFCs/Micro Financing Institutions (MFIs)


Transportation and Logistics service providers


Agro Business Entities/Agencies


Solar & Renewable Energy Equipment Suppliers


Raw material Suppliers


Communication Agencies & Media Solution Providers


Providers of any other product/services required by MSMEs


Reputed Companies/Organizations/OEM Manufacturer/Authorises Indian Dealer of Imported Machines or Equipments may submit their “Expression of Interest” by filling up & submitting the online form is available on the link https://nsic.co.in/NSIC-MSMEAggregationServices.aspx on or before 31st March by 16.00:00 hrs.

For any queries please follow the link www.nsic.co.in.   

Note: As per selection criteria, if your company’s annual turnover is more than Rs. One crore, you are requested to online registration of EOI of Aggregation Services.  Thereafter, we will send you a empanelment format for the process.  


With Regards,

(Upender Kumar Kohli)

General Manager (BD-Machine Selling)

The National Small Industries Corporation Limited

Okhla Industrial Estate

New Delhi – 11 0020

Ph. # 011-26926275

Website: www.nsic.co.in

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