Regional Council North

Visit to Rockpecker Private Limited: Chandigarh
5 June 2024

The 52nd meeting of IMTMA Regional Council (North) was held at the CII Northern Region Headquarters in Chandigarh. Mr. Sunil Taneja, Chairman, IMTMA Northern Regional Council chaired the meeting and welcomed members to the 52nd meeting. He invited members of the Regional Council (North) to present their views on the draft minutes of the 51st meeting which was held on 26 February 2024 at MacAuto Expo 2024 in Ludhiana. Following a brief discussion, draft minutes of the 51st RC(N) meeting were approved by members.

Mr. Jibak Dasgupta, Director General & CEO, IMTMA made a presentation of IMTMA’s diverse activities beyond IMTEX, including exhibitions, technical trainings, policy advocacy, and international presence. He also spoke at length about IMTMA’s regional exhibitions, Pune Machine Tool Expo, Delhi Machine Tool Expo, and Machine Tool Connect Rudrapur. He also urged members to participate in international exhibitions.

Mr. Dasgupta also threw light upon other initiatives including AMTDC, AMTTF, Membership Dashboard, and the challenges and opportunities for the machine tool industry.

Mr. Raj Kumar Sharma made a brief presentation on the latest developments in SAHAYOG which was reinitiated by Mr. Sharma with Ghaziabad-based members.

ALMTI gave a presentation about their meeting with the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India.

As part of the plant visit, Mr. Rajnish Kumar, Managing Director, Rockpecker Private Limited made a presentation about his company including the everyday functioning, health and safety aspects, sustainable initiatives, business verticals, and human resources.


Visit to MachAuto Expo 2024 : Ludhiana
26 February 2024 (Monday) 

Chairman, Mr. Sunil Taneja chaired the meeting and welcomed members at the 51st meeting of IMTMA Regional Council (North) [RC(N)] over ‘virtual platform’.

Chairman thanked Governing Council of ALMTI for hosting this meeting in Ludhiana.

1. Review of minutes of 50th meeting

Chairman invited members of RC(N) for their views on the draft minutes of the 50th meeting which was held on 14 September 2023 at Highway Industries ALMTI Headquarters and Highway Industries Limited in Ludhiana.

Following a brief discussion, draft minutes of the 50th RC(N) meeting was approved by members. 




2. Discussions with members on Business Performance and on key issues and concerns

    a) Mr. Sunil Taneja, Chairman, Regional Council (North) & Managing Director, Ind-Sphinx Precision Limited

  • Welcomed Members to the 51st meeting of Regional Council (North) of IMTMA [RC(N)].
  • Specially thanked Association of Ludhiana Machine Tool Industries (ALMTI) for hosting the meeting at the fair grounds of ‘MachAuto Expo 2024’ in Ludhiana.
  • Thanked Mr. Rajesh Mandlik, Chairman, Regional Council (West) of IMTMA for travelling all the way to Ludhiana to deliver a presentation on 17th ‘VISION’ Conclave and its key outcomes.
  • RC(N) would schedule an ‘E-learning session’ on Government E-Marketplace (GeM) portal and its benefits, for the northern region.
  • Need to organise a “Regional ‘VISION’ Conclave” for IMTMA Northern Region Members as well as for ALMTI Governing Council Members, during August 2024 somewhere near Ludhiana.
  • Lot of new sectors are driving growth for Indian manufacturing, such as electronics, medical equipment.
  • Even aluminium furniture has huge demand in the Indian market, and for which Indian-made manufacturing technologies are being sought. There are several Indian manufacturers who have ordered 3,500 machining centres for this industry-segment.

    b) Mr. Tarlochan Singh, President, Association of Ludhiana Machine Tool Industries (ALMTI) –

  • Business conditions in Ludhiana machine tool industry has been good; although several manufacturers are facing payment issues since Deepawali.
  • New product development is also another aspect Ludhiana machine tool industry desires to focus on.
  • Youth have been tagged with degrees, irrespective of whether they are qualified and capable of being industry-ready.
  • There is a need for an increased coordination between ALMTI and IMTMA.
  • Members of the Governing Council of ALMTI would like to pay a visit for two-days to “IMTMA Finishing School” at BIEC in Bengauru as part of a ‘Learning and Study Mission’. IMTMA is requested to coordinate this along with ALMTI.
  • Need for extraordinary benefit to be extended to ALMTI Members for participating at IMTEX and DMTX fairs.
  • ALMTI desires for a special ‘Pavilion’ for the Ludhiana machine tool industry at these fairs.
  • Need to share information on key Governmental policies and IMTMA advocacies with Governing Council Members of ALMTI.
  • Need for IMTMA to consider a mechanism whereby Governing Council Members of ALMTI can be automatically be enrolled into IMTMA Membership.
  • Around 70 Members of ALMTI have been accredited with ‘ZED Certification’. Seek IMTMA help to connect ALMTI with the concerned authority for ‘ZED Certification’.
  • ALMTI Members are also facing issues on GeM portal – seek help and support of IMTMA on the same.
  • ALMTI desires for a meeting between Office-bearers of IMTMA and Governing Council Members of ALMTI.

3. Update on 17th ‘VISION’ Conclave conducted in Varanasi in the month of December 2023. 

Chairman Invited Mr. Rajesh Mandlik, Chairman, Regional Council (West) of IMTMA for his awareness presentation on recently conducted 17th ‘VISION’ Conclave at Taj Ganges, Varanasi from 14-17 December 2023.

Mr. Mandlik, in his presentation, covered the below topics:

  • Purpose of ‘VISION’ Exercise of IMTMA
  • History of ‘VISION’ conclave
  • Focus Questions
  • Contradictions & Strategic Actions

{Copy of the presentation is placed as Annexure - I.}

4. Date of Next Meeting

As per the discussion during the meeting, it has been decided that the upcoming next meeting, 52nd, of RC(N) could be organised in Rudrapur along with a customer visit, in April 2024.

There being no other business, the meeting concluded with a vote of thanks to the Chair.


Interactive Meeting and Plant Visit to Highway Industries Ltd, Ludhiana
14 September 2023 (Thursday)
 Structure of Regional Council North

Chairman: Mr. Sunil Taneja, Managing Director, Ind-Sphinx Precision

Vice Chairman: Mr. Raj Kumar Sharma, Director and Co-Promoter, Bestek Engineering Private Limited.

Mr. Sunil Taneja, Chairman, Regional Council (North) Welcomed Members to this special – 50th meeting of the Regional Council (North) of IMTMA. Mr. Tarlochan Singh, President, Association of Ludhiana Machine Tool Industries (ALMTI), Mr. Jagtar Singh, Former President, Association of Ludhiana Machine Tool Industries (ALMTI), and Mr. Sushil Kumar, General Secretary, Association of Ludhiana Machine Tool Industries (ALMTI) addressed the gathering.
An interactive meeting with Highway Industries Limited was also organised, followed by a presentation by the company.

17 March 2023 (Friday): Virtual Platform

Chairman, Mr. Sunil Taneja chaired the meeting and welcomed members at the 49th meeting of IMTMA Regional Council (North) [RC(N)] over ‘virtual platform’. 

Chairman invited members of RC(N) for their views on the draft minutes of the 48th meeting, which was held on 22 November 2022 at ‘Ind-Sphinx’ Precision Limited in Parwanoo.

Following a brief discussion, draft minutes of the 48th RC(N) meeting were approved by members.

The IMTMA secretariat briefed the members on the current industry status, followed by a brief presentation on IMTEX 2023.

A session on TPM awareness by Mr. Tausif Khan from CII Institute of Quality was also organised. Mr. Tausif, in his presentation, covered the below topics:

  • History and evolution of TPM
  • Why TPM and how does TPM addresses the issues.
  • Definition and benefits of TPM - Introduction and 8 pillars of its approach -  Journey of TPM club India.

22 November 2022  (Tuesday):  ‘Ind Sphinx Precision Ltd’ : Parwanoo

Chairman, Mr. Sunil Taneja chaired the meeting and welcomed Members to the 47th meeting of IMTMA Regional Council (North).

Key Takeaways:

  • Constitution of northern-region “UDAAN” chapter, comprising gen-next of machine tool manufacturing companies in Ludhiana / Himachal and National Capital Region; and its integration with “UDAAN” group, for guidance and support.
  • Need for Association initiatives to enhance ‘goodwill’ of the Indian machine tool industry in terms of manufacturing capabilities and also as a prospective career-option.
  • Bridging of the technical-knowledge-gap that exists in engineering institutions in Punjab region.
  • Scheduling a meeting with Senior leadership level, Government of Punjab jointly by IMTMA and ALMTI; to apprise of key challenges faced, and enunciation of support measures / governmental policies.
  • Need to determine reasons for increase in imports in centreless grinders and presses – quantum and from which countries.

20 September 2022  (Tuesday)  :  ‘Virtual Platform’

Chairman, Mr. Sunil Taneja chaired the meeting and welcomed Members to the 47th meeting of IMTMA Regional Council (North) [RCN] over ‘virtual platform’.

After the draft minutes of the 46th RC(N) meeting were approved by members Chairman sought member’s views on business performance in the first half of the current financial year and their views on how the next half of this financial year is expected to shape up.

Ms. Meghna Joglekar, General Manager, Sustainable Enterprise and Export Development Group, Export – Import Bank of India and her colleagues from EXIM Bank briefed members about EXIM Bank and its services to the industry.

Vice Chairman made vote of thanks to EXIM Bank on behalf of Members of Regional Council (North) of IMTMA.

22 April 2022  (Friday):  ‘Virtual Platform’

Chairman, Mr. Sunil Taneja chaired the meeting and welcomed Members to the 46th meeting of IMTMA Regional Council (North) [RCN] over ‘virtual platform’.

Chairman sought members’ views on respective performance in the financial year 2021-2022 and their business prospects in the current financial year.

Mr. Y. Balaramaiah, Director AMTTF and the team from AMTTF to briefed members about AMTTF and its services to the industry.

Mr. Satish Kumar, Senior Advisor, IMTMA briefed members on the Scheme for “Enhancement of Competitiveness in the Indian Capital Goods Sector” Phase - II.

08 January 2022  (Saturday)  :  ‘Virtual Platform’

Chairman, Mr. Sunil Taneja chaired the meeting and welcomed Members to the 45th meeting of IMTMA Regional Council (North) [RCN] over ‘Virtual Platform’.

Chairman invited members of RC(N) for their views on the last minutes of the meeting, held on 29 July 2021, especially on members availing finance facility being provided by SIDBI.

Following a brief discussion, minutes of the 44th RC(N) meeting were confirmed by members.

The Chairman sought member’s views on anticipated fallout of the restrictions which have been imposed by the respective State Government in North India.

A briefing on ‘visit to Agri-implement manufacturers in Punjab’ was also organised.

The Chairman along with the Vice Chairman briefed members on the takeaways of the recently concluded ‘VISION’ symposium in Bengaluru on Dec. 17 & 18, 2021.

Chairman invited members to visit his facility in Parwanoo for the next physical meeting of the Regional Council (North) of IMTMA

Click here for a presentation on ‘Visit to agri-implement manufacturers’ in Punjab

Click here for a presentation on ‘VISION’ Symposium 2022

29 July 2021  (Wednesday):  ‘Virtual Platform’

Chairman, Mr. Vivek Nigam chaired the meeting and welcomed Members to the 44th meeting of IMTMA Regional Council (North) [RCN] over ‘Virtual Platform’. RC(N) members shared their views on current ‘business conditions.’

Ms. Sanchita Majumdar, DGM, Direct Credit Vertical, Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI), briefed members on SIDBI’s financing schemes for MSMEs.

Mr. Sunil Taneja delivered the vote of thanks.

A comprehensive presentation on ‘Training Initiatives of IMTMA’ was made by Mr. M Krishnamoorthy, Senior Director, IMTMA.

30 June 2021  (Wednesday):  ‘Virtual Platform’ 

Chairman, Mr. Vivek Nigam chaired the meeting and welcomed members to the 43rd meeting of IMTMA Regional Council (North) [RCN] over ‘Virtual Platform’.

Mr. Vivek Nigam, Mr. Sunil Taneja of Ind-Sphinx Ltd. and Mr. Achal Nath, Past-Chairman, Regional Council (North) shared their views on the current business scenario.

A briefing session on ‘Measures and interventions to support MSMEs on Technology and Finance’ was conducted by MSME Development Institute. Dr. R K Bharti of MSME Development Institute, New Delhi, briefed the members about the schemes for MSMEs.

Mr. Pradeep Sharma of the State Bank of India, appraised the members on the Financing Schemes for MSMEs.

17 March 2021  (Wednesday)  :  ‘Video Conference’

Chairman, Mr. Vivek Nigam chaired the meeting and welcomed members to the 42nd meeting of IMTMA Regional Council (North) [RCN] over ‘Video Conference’.

The status of the industry performance was discussed during the meeting .

A session by Shishir Bharadwaj of Quality Council of India, New Delhi, on the concepts of ‘Zero Effect & Defect’ an initiative of Quality Council of India (QCI), was organised for the members.

24 Dec 2020, Live Session

Chairman, Mr. Vivek Nigam chaired the meeting and welcomed all members to the 41st meeting of reconstituted Regional Council (North)  of IMTMA.

Following a round of discussion, the ‘Terms of ‘ToR’ was unanimously approved.

The Regional Council shall focus on the following areas:

  • Identify needs of the members in the region, and schedule various programmes, events, and other activities, to meet those specific requirements.
  • Focus on key competitiveness factors like design, technology, innovation, etc. in the machine tool industry through focused programmes and other initiatives
  • Evolve and communicate to the Executive Committee of IMTMA policies and strategies required to stimulate, create, and sustain technological strengths and innovations in the industry
  • Strengthen membership base and enhance membership services in the region
  • Promote brand image of the Indian machine tool industry, through various regional programmes and initiatives

A discussion on the status of the industry performance was also held along with an online CEO’s Poll on Market Situation.

The agenda also included the Secretariat's need to identify the value addition in terms of visibility for members in the reconstituted ‘Regional Council by taking small steps such as...

  • Giving equal importance to machine tool periphery manufacturers also by expanding its membership to more of accessory manufacturers.
  • Doing some complimentary programs for members on some important topic.

12 June 2020, Live Session

The 40th Regional Council North meeting was held via live session. 

Mr. V K Jayaswal of Shriram Pistons & Rings Ltd., Mr. Mayank Verma of JBM Group, Mr. Vivek Nigam of ISGEC Heavy Engineering Ltd., Mr. N K Dhand of Micromatic Grinding Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Mr. Achal Nath of Ashok Manufacturing Co. Pvt. Ltd., and Mr. Sukhdial Singh of Rattan Hammers addressed the meeting on ‘surviving, reviving and thriving post-lockdown’.

Mr. V K Jayaswal pointed out that all segments of the auto industry whether Passenger Vehicle or Customer vehicle have been impacted due to this pandemic.

Mr. Mayank Verma felt that a lot of focus on Robots and low-cost automation will be seen and felt that agricultural machinery and low-cost mobility (two-wheelers) were the upcoming opportunities.

Mr. Vivek Nigam urged the members to look at the localisation opportunities as the rapid indigenisation program of the Government of India is coming up.

Mr. N K Dhand said that the area to focus on is definitely IOT, which is slowly becoming an emerging need for the customers.

Mr. Achal Nath opined that low-cost automation and product development could be one of the answers to sustainability.

Mr. Sukhdial Singh felt that the market will take two to three months at least to regain its original shape.

22 February 2020:  Mach Auto Expo: Ludhiana

Chairman, Mr. Vivek Nigam chaired the meeting and welcomed all members to the 17th meeting of IMTMA Regional Council (North) at Mach Auto Expo 2020 in Ludhiana. Members discussed how the exhibition has grown in recent years.

Status of the industry performance was also discussed during the meeting.

A brief presentation on M1xchange TReDS by MYND Solutions Pvt. Ltd. was also organised.

Members were informed about the Government scheme for MSME on the ‘Common Facility Centre’ under ‘Department of Heavy Industry, Government of India where 80% of the total investment is funded by the Government and the rest 20% comes from the industry contribution.   

08 August 2019 (Thursday): India Expo Centre, Greater Noida

Mr. Vivek Nigam chaired the meeting and welcomed Mr. Indradev Babu, Vice President of IMTMA and Members to the 38th meeting of IMTMA Regional Council (North) at the India Expo Centre, Greater Noida.

Chairman requested Members to share any issue related to any policy matter or on any other matter concerning the industry or association with Mr. Indradev Babu. Indradev Babu spoke about current business conditions and stressed on the need to be cost-competitive & adopt lean manufacturing.

Ludhiana-based members urged IMTMA to suggest some vocational training for the youth that could be of immense benefit to the regional industry.

IMTMA suggested few Government schemes that are available such as ‘Cluster Funding’ where the subvention is given to the expert on 70-30 ratio with 70% contributed by Government and the rest 30% to be contributed by the cluster.  



14 June 2019 (Friday):  Ghaziabad Precision Products limited Ghaziabad

Mr. Vivek Nigam chaired the meeting and welcomed Regional Council (North) members to the 37th Meeting of IMTMA Regional Council (North) [RCN] in Micromatic Grinding Technologies, Ghaziabad.

Members discussed on few areas demonstrated by Micromatic Grinding Technologies Limited (MGTL) during IMTMA delegation visit to MGTL. The members also visited Ghaziabad Precision Products Limited.


A comprehensive presentation on IMTMA Design Institute along with a new initiative on Green Manufacturing Cell was made to the members.

A presentation on policy initiatives for MSMEs was made to the members. Information shared on the new MSME schemes of the newly formed central government.

MGTL made a brief presentation on ‘Importance of Mechatronic for better Machine Tool Design’.  Members were requested to look at the possibility of attending the three-day course on ‘Analysis and Design of Mechatronic System’.

14 December 2018 (Friday): Yamuna Nagar

Mr. Vivek Nigam chaired the meeting and welcomed Regional Council (North) members to the 36th Meeting of IMTMA Regional Council (North) at ISGEC, Yamuna Nagar. Members discussed on few areas demonstrated by ISGEC during IMTMA delegation visit to ISGEC.

Chairman discussed the issues raised by the members during the 35th Regional Council North Meeting in JCBL, Lalru on 26th July 2018. 


IMTEX is celebrating its golden jubilee of IMTEX fairs in 2019 that is scheduled from 24 January 2019 to 30 January 2019. Members were informed on some of the key areas of the exhibition.

Members were informed that Govt. of Karnataka (GoK) has issued a notification regarding TMTP – Tumakuru Machine Tool Park recently, inviting applications for allotment of Industrial Plots exclusively for Manufacturers of Machine Tools and their ancillary units. 

26 July 2018 (Thursday): JCBL, Lalru

Mr. Vivek Nigam chaired the meeting and welcomed Regional Council (North) members to the 35th Meeting of IMTMA Regional Council (North) [RCN] in JCBL, Lalru. Members discussed the key suggestions made by JCBL to the Indian Machine Tool Industry. Few of the key suggestions by JCBL are as below:

  • Urgent need for automation solutions in manufacturing technologies – Automation in existing production lines and fixtures.
  • Issues concerning tolerances; as also inconsistency in manual welding of structures
  • Need to eliminate welding, as greater need to provide high-quality aesthetics.

A presentation on Digital Social Marketing was done by Webee Social. Information was also shared on the new scheme of IMTMA on ‘Members point redemption’.

27 April 2018 (Friday):  Escorts Limited, Ludhiana

The 34th meeting of the IMTMA Regional Council (North) was held at Escorts Limited, Ludhiana on April 27, 2018.

Mr. Vivek Nigam chaired the meeting and welcomed ALMTI members and discussed the key suggestions made by Escorts to the Indian Machine Tool Industry.

During the meeting, a discussion with the ALMTI on the future agenda was also held to chalk out the plan regarding the setting up of a Common Facility Centre in CMERI, Ludhiana.

Mr. Gauranga De from Mckinsey made a brief presentation on “Design to Value” – 'How can manufacturing players optimize product design and cost using “Design to Value” tool kit'.

12 January 2018 (Friday): Ludhiana

Mr. Vivek Nigam chaired the meeting and welcomed Chairman-ALMTI and President-ALMTI along with the Members to the 33rd meeting of IMTMA Regional Council (North) in Dasmesh Mechanical Works(DMW), Ludhiana.

During the meeting CII-Centre of Excellence for competitiveness to make a presentation on ‘Energy audit and management, including financing modalities for energy efficiency projects.' Click here to view the presentation.

The members also discussed setting up a ‘Common Skill & Engineering Facility Centre’ by Ludhiana Machine Tool industry along with Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute at CMERI facility in Ludhiana, under the aegis of the scheme for ‘Enhancement of Competitiveness in the Indian Capital Goods Sector’.

10 August 2017 (Thursday): Pragati Maidan: New Delhi

The thirty-second Meeting of IMTMA Regional Council (North) [RCN] was held on 10th August 2017 in the Pragati Maidan, New Delhi coinciding with Delhi Machine Tool Expo 2017.

IMTMA Office Bearers Mr. P. G. Jadeja, President, Mr. P. Ramadas, Vice President, Mr. Achal Nath, Chairman - RCN and Director General & CEO attended the meeting.

Discussion on current economic scenario and machine tool industry was held as well as Members pointed out some specific cases where the GST for some specific parts of the machine is higher (28%) than that of the complete machine (18%).

In the meeting members suggested the following:

  • On a request by the ALMTI representative to seek IMTMA’s intervention to have a negotiation with MERADO (Mechanical Engineering Research and Development Organisation), Ludhiana to come forward to help Ludhiana Machine Tool Industry, President urged IMTMA secretariat to start the discussion concerned.
  • President informed members to take help of Mudra Bank on working capital issue raised by the members.

16 June 2017 (Friday): Havells India Limited: Neemrana
The 31st meeting of the IMTMA Regional Council (North) was convened at the Havells India Limited, Neemrana and was chaired by Mr. Achal Nath.

During the meeting, a brief presentation on the recent meeting of the Reconstituted “Development Council for Machine Tools” held on 24 May 2017 in New Delhi.

RC(N) members praised the initiatives of the Government of India on the speedy roll-out of the Goods & Services Tax (GST). Most of the members, who were present, were optimistic about GST implementation by Government of India.  

24 March 2017 (Friday)  :  International Tractors Ltd. Hoshiarpur

Mr. Achal Nath chaired the meeting and welcomed members to the 30th Meeting of IMTMA Regional Council (North) in International Tractors Ltd, Hoshiarpur. Members discussed the presentation made by the senior officials of International Tractors Ltd.

A presentation was made by the secretariat on some of the key Government Meetings at the ministry in Delhi.

The meeting was attended by 27 Members.

22 July 2016 at LPS-BOSSARD, Rohtak

The 28th meeting of the IMTMA Regional Council (North) was held on July 22, 2016, at LPS-BOSSARD, Rohtak.

The meeting was chaired by Mr. Vijayant Singh, Deputy Chairman, which also included a presentation by the senior officials of LPS-BOSSARD.

Regional Council North Regional Council North

Mr. Vijayant Singh briefed the members about the 'IMTMA - Institute Innovation Collaboration (IIIC)' and called upon the members to give their inputs about their companies on the online 'Guide to Indian Machine Tools'

Mr. R K Jain of Push-Up Tools Udyog Limited shared the company's best business practices and his rich experience in 'Hot' & 'Cold Forging' industry.

A presentation on 'IMTMA SME Club' was also presented to the members.

27th Meeting of IMTMA Regional Council (North) was held on 22nd March 2016 at
New Swan Group: Ludhiana

Regional Council North 

The meeting was attended by 22 RC (N) Members.

Brief Presentation by QCI on "Lean Manufacturing"

Mr. Ankur Malik from Quality Council of India (QCI) made a brief presentation on 'Salient Features of New Scheme of Lean Manufacturing for MSME'.

QCI was appointed as National Monitoring and Implementation unit across India by Development Commissioner, M/o MSME for the up-scaled, Lean Manufacturing Competitiveness Scheme (LMCS); a sub-part of the National Manufacturing Competitiveness Program (NMCP). Lean manufacturing is being hailed as an important cornerstone under the 'Make in India' initiative.

The scheme will be implemented in 500 mini clusters during the 12th five-year plan with the total project cost of Rs 240.94 crores. The implementation of LM techniques leads to cost reduction for MSMEs. To explain this IMTMA has invited the 'Quality Council of India' to make a Brief presentation on 'Lean Manufacturing Competitive Scheme'. The meeting ended with vote of thanks to the Chair and all participants. 

For key points discussed in the meeting, click here

26th MEETING OF IMTMA REGIONAL COUNCIL (NORTH) was held on 08 January 2016 (Friday) at
Hotel 'Clarks Inn', Ghaziabad 

Regional Council North

Interactive Meeting between Regional Council Members and COFMOW’” was organized in Hotel “Clarks Inn” in Ghaziabad. The meeting was attended by close to 30 RC (N) members. The meeting ended with vote of thanks to the Chair and all participants. 

For key points discussed in the meeting, click here

25th Meeting of IMTMA Regional Council (North) was held on 20th August 2015 at
Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. 


Regional Council North


The meeting was attended by 23 RC (N) Members.

The key points discussed in the meeting.

  • Joint Study of Auto Component and Machine Tool companies
    • Agenda of the Eighth Meeting of ACMA -IMTMA joint committee was discussed
    • Members were informed about the “Benchmarking Survey”
  • Issues Facing Northern Region Membership
    • Group of companies should go for overseas exhibition
    • To provide more discount on IMTMA services
    • Proper circulation of information
    • More strong regional exhibitions
    • Areas like food, taxi, etc should be addressed during IMTEX
  • Guide to Indian Machine Tool - participation
    • Members were urged to provide their inputs for E-Catalogue of  ‘Guide to Indian Machine Tools’

The meeting ended with vote of thanks to the Chair and all participants. 

14 March 2015 (Saturday): ‘Ashok Leyland Ltd’: Pantnagar


Regional Council North


Regional Council (North) of IMTMA had scheduled its 24th meeting on 14 March 2015 at the Ashok Leyland Ltd in Pantnagar. 

Following this meeting, an ‘interactive meeting and plant visit’ was undertaken to Ashok Leyland Ltd in Pantnagar. The meeting was attended by close to 15 RC (N) members. 

The meeting ended with vote of thanks to the Chair and all participants. 

09 September 2014 – IMTMA RC MEET @ Ghaziabad

Regional Council NorthRegional Council North Regional Council North


An interactive meeting of IMTMA Regional Council (North) was held on 09 September 2014 (Tuesday) at the Hotel Clarks Inn Suites in Ghaziabad. During the meet, an interaction was held on ‘Business Excellence’.

A Plant visit to Abilities India Pistons & Rings Limited (AIP), Ghaziabad, was also planned on the occasion. Key points of the plant visit and presentation by AIP official were discussed during the interactive meeting. The meeting was attended by 15 RC (N) members.

14th June 2014: ‘Happy Forgings Limited’: Ludhiana

Regional Council (North) of IMTMA had scheduled its 22nd meeting on 14 June 2014 at the Happy Forgings Limited in Ludhiana.

Following this meeting, an ‘interactive meeting and plant visit’ was undertaken to Happy Forgings Limited, Ludhiana. The meeting was attended by close to 20 RC (N) members.

The meeting ended with vote of thanks to the Chair and all participants.

10 January 2014: ‘IMTMA Office’: Gurgaon

Regional Council (North) of IMTMA had scheduled its 21st meeting on 10 January 2014 at the northern region office in Gurgaon. The meeting was attended by close to 25 RC(N) members. Following this meeting, an ‘interactive meeting and plant visit’ was undertaken to Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Private Limited in Manesar, Gurgaon.

For further details contact 

Mr. Srinjoy Das
Senior Director 
Plot No 249 F
Phase IV, Udyog Vihar, Sector 18
Gurgaon 122015

Tel : +91- 124 - 4014 101
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